Empowering a Sustainable Future
1 month ago
Ocean water is pushing miles beneath Antarctica’s “Doomsday Glacier,” making it more vulnerable to melting than previously thought, according to new research that used radar data from space to perform an X-ray of the crucial glacier.

As the salty, relatively warm ocean water meets the ice, it’s causing “vigorous melting” underneath the glacier and could mean global sea level rise projections are being underestimated, according to a study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The glacier, which already contributes 4% to global sea level rise, holds enough ice to raise sea levels by more than 2 feet. But because it also acts as a natural dam to the surrounding ice in West Antarctica, scientists have estimated its complete collapse could ultimately lead to around 10 feet of sea level rise — a catastrophe for the world’s coastal communities.

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📸: NASA/Reuters

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Useful Links:

London and WLC
Check out the latest consultation draft and discussion on the Whole Life Carbon component of the London Plan.
London Gov Website →
Verifying net zero in buildings
The UK Green Building Council is providing a verification process (based on third-party audits) on a transparent template basis. Learn more about how design teams can ensure their scheme will be verified in the future.
View the UK-GBC verification process →
Advancing Net Zero
To help achieve the UK’s net zero emissions target, UK-GBC is leading the transition to a net zero carbon built environment.
UK-GBC Website →

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