Empowering a Sustainable Future
3 days ago
Congratulations, @paola.fiore !
We are extremely happy and proud of the fact that the Italian Volunteer National Coordinator Dr. Paola Fiore has been awarded the Alfredo Sirkis Memorial Green Ring Award by the @climatereality Founder and Chairman Al Gore for her outstanding commitment to climate change action and advocacy with the Italian Team @climaterealityitalia , the European Branch @climaterealityeurope and the global Community of the Climate Reality Project.
Her authentic legacy and passionate dedication have brought forward many impactful climate actions and have inspired lots of Climate Reality Leaders in Italy, Europe, and worldwide.
As this 56th Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training in Rome has come to an end, we wish to thank everyone for the amazing energy and work. Our Italian Team looks forward to welcome all the newly trained Climate Leaders.
Don’t forget to tag us!





Congratulazioni, @paola.fiore!
Siamo estremamente felici e orgogliosi che la coordinatrice nazionale dei volontari italiani, la dott.ssa Paola Fiore, sia stata premiata con l’Alfredo Sirkis Memorial Green Ring Award dal fondatore e presidente di @climatereality Al Gore per il suo eccezionale impegno nell’azione contro il cambiamento climatico e nell’advocacy con il team italiano di @climaterealityitalia , la filiale europea @climaterealityeurope e la comunità globale del Climate Reality Project.
La sua eredità autentica e la sua dedizione appassionata hanno fatto progredire molte azioni di impatto sul clima e ispirato molti Climate Reality Leaders in Italia, in Europa e nel mondo.
Al termine di questo 56° Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training , vorremmo ringraziare tutti per la loro straordinaria energia e il loro lavoro. Il nostro team italiano non vede l’ora di dare il benvenuto a tutti i Climate Reality Leaders appena formati.
Non dimenticate di taggarci!

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Useful Links:

London and WLC
Check out the latest consultation draft and discussion on the Whole Life Carbon component of the London Plan.
London Gov Website →
Verifying net zero in buildings
The UK Green Building Council is providing a verification process (based on third-party audits) on a transparent template basis. Learn more about how design teams can ensure their scheme will be verified in the future.
View the UK-GBC verification process →
Advancing Net Zero
To help achieve the UK’s net zero emissions target, UK-GBC is leading the transition to a net zero carbon built environment.
UK-GBC Website →

Get your opinion heard

Whole Life Carbon is a platform for the entire construction industry, in the UK and abroad. We keep track of the latest publications, debates, and events pertaining to whole life guidance and net zero. Please get in touch if you have any enquiries, or opinions to share.

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